MY VLOG!!!(waking up in the morning).

Category: By Chadi Bousaab design112

I used the process of waking up in the morning as my vlog video.



Category: By Chadi Bousaab design112

Yup there it hit me!!!2 in the morning at work serving a customer a refreshing beer,though that it would be a great idea for a real life network right?now how about that....ive got him purchasing the beer with a taxi card coz he was on the piss abit more than necessary.hehehehehe.oh yeah click on the image to enlarge.

interests in websites Chadi Bousaab 112

Category: , By Chadi Bousaab design112
Three of my favourite three websites are:

These three websites are what i usually surf on the net because they keep me upadated with all the new music events,new albums and songs.ESPN is the worlds largest sports network so its a really good website to keep you up with sports news and match results maybe for your favourite football team.Zaha Hadid's website is a very good inspirational website for all interior architecture students.its a helpful and easy to use website that opens your mind to the world of interior design.Check out the following video about Zaha which has got abit of her work.

Now this is how we rollllllllllllllll!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!!

And this is worthhhhhhhhh watching!!!!!

Creating a blog and mainly having it to be taken a great part in our first 112 project was a great lead to many new ways of how to communicate with almost any person on my mind in a way i never knew of.its a great and ideal way of uploading almost anything you desire to show the world and all you was quite amazing how quickly i got commented for my work and was quite interesting finding other blogs from students in the class.the most relevant and relating blogs similar to mine were:

Chadi's Blog

Category: By Chadi Bousaab design112
The project that is presented in my first blog was the last one in design course 111.It was a short movie clip dealing with a relation to digital media design.The project was done by Vernon Merrick and myself.We had to come up with an idea that could relate strongly to digital media so we thought of rendering out a character(shown in the image poster).We gave this character a name and it was Mr.Digital.His role in the short clip was to live his life as a normal human being through still images which were what was mainly focused on through the clip and required for the project.You can view Mr.Digital roaming around design school and through Wellington city.We chose a intrigue soundtrack to suit the clip.Choosing this idea was to show the audience that digital design has many creative creations that are almost impossible to imagine.It can be all done through digital design.Therefore having a character we have made was a strong impression to digital design.You can view this short clip on youtube under digital design111.Enjoy!!